
Showing posts from 2011

what if...

what if there were no rules just evergrowing everpulsating consciousness, attentiveness...and letting go..

when you are gone...


Internal architecture

Making steps into internal architecture design of what you wish for can be a nice challenge for the mind to see what can help you to attain what you want to attain, to build what you want to build - then you can replace models with real structures. And what a surprise it may be to see it all happening, working, sustaining your inner strength...

more notes on inner asylum

As You have probably already read there are some general precautions connected with meditation. Before I will follow on to the meditation I prepared for you I should start with something very important which is spiritual protection point and creating your inner refuge which is the most important thing when it comes to the beginner’s and advanced yogi practice. Starting from this point even before ( mind you!) start the proper practice is a precaution which is a safety that you need and I mean it in a deep spiritual sense. We are on our own in most of the time – with our thoughts, with our hearts, and by any means you shouldn’t be disturbed by any conflicting, negative or simply not “Yours” energies, entities etc. Creating Your inner asylum: 1. Give Yourself some time to prepare the please where you want to start Your meditation. Make it as comfy as possible, try to disconnect from anything or anybody that can stop you doing that. Make it double sure You are on it. Sit or lie down and ...

Exercise 1 - Meditating with a candle flame or object

Exercise 1 - Meditating with a candle flame or object Please read this information on preparing for your meditation Imagine the candle as an entrance way to the vast spiritual dimensions permeating everything, imagine it as the doorway to the inner universe. You might see this candle flame standing at the threshold between the physical and spiritual universes. As you fix your gaze upon it, feel that you are looking at the candle with your heart and that you are travelling through it with infinite peace. Follow the flow of energy with your breath. Breathe in the infinite peace of the spiritual universe. Feel your heart opening and expanding as that peace flows into your being like a golden light. On your outward breath feel that your worries and anxieties which give birth to all your mental, emotional and physical tensions, are being gathered up and released. You might imagine this is as a flow of light. You are breathing in a golden white light that is illumining your being with pe...

How meditation works

How meditation works What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Meditation is an extremely simple process. It follows three distinct steps 1. We start with the superficial, scattered mind – (This is the level with which we often carry out our day-to-day chores, ‘bring in the newspaper’, ‘cook the meal’ - it is often characterised by lots of thoughts, positive and negative, with very little control or knowledge of how they got there) If we are often in this state of mind, we will find that we are easily distracted, have difficulty concentrating, probably worry about unimportant things and have little understanding of the real 'us'. 2. We then progress by virtue of our heart’s concentration - to deeper, analytical thinking. When our mind is focused completely on one thing, we are the most efficient and purposeful in our thinking. (This is the basis of the rules of ‘time-management’ -> to be focused abs...

success and failure

It's possible to fail in many ways...while to succeed is possible only in one way. Success is the perseverance to go from one failed outcome to another with entirely no loss of enthusiasm. Failure is the final outcome of not falling down and getting up again but the act of staying down permanently


The eternal question which You ask Yourself now and then: why? ... how about asking: in what way? under which conditions? how does it look as an overal process? asking Yourself why often leads to a bottomless pit of suffering, despair, sadness and leaves You in a point blank, point of no return - only one return is available - back to the old patterns: why me? asking Yourself questions about the nature of everchanging process can evoke stronger focus on the core of the "problem" You bear and eventually may lead you to some useful notions...instead of asking Yourself: does it make any sense to You? please aks Yourself: how can You make use of all this what you already know?

Ku rozładowaniu wewnętrznego napięcia i odnalezieniu siebie

1.Wytwórz bazę dla pracy z podświadomością, którą za chwilkę przeprowadzisz. Jest to o tyle ważne, że powinnaś odciąć się od energii, które przeszkadzają Ci w skupieniu i odgradzają od innych, z którymi chcesz/musisz/powinnaś się skonfrontować podczas medytacji. Drugą ważną sprawą jest to, by tworząc tą bazę nie wchodzić jeszcze w stan pełnej medytacji, czasem jest wręcz wskazane by „na sucho”, bez wgryzania się w wątpliwości czy to zadziała czy nie, afirmować – „Odcinam się od przeszkadzających warunków zewnętrznych, tworzę własną nienaruszoną przestrzeń, która jest sceną tego z czym mogę pozytywnie się zmierzyć”. Możesz użyć wyobraźni i stworzyć obraz ( do którego możesz wracać) miejsca ( bardzo Twojego i prywatnego), które będzie Ci zawsze służyć, do którego zawsze możesz wracać w momentach niepokoju, które zawsze będzie sceną Twojej wewnętrznej pracy. Zaletą takiego miejsca jest to, ze możesz zawsze zinternalizować to co czujesz i nie pozwalasz energii przemian wewnętrznych roz...

Belief system and finding a solution

Finding a real solution to a problem, resources to cope with it is synchronised with the active ability of how to use them...there is no lack of resources and if this doesn't work maybe our mind just wanders around wallowing itself in the constant illusion of the dillema and distracting derivates of our belief system at the given time.

History, symbols, working with entities

I have noticed that there are many healers who started doing healing sessions connected with the creatures like unicorns, dolphins, angels (?) or like what I feel about this is I know that he refers to the essence, to the very essence of these creatures but on the other hand, what are these actually? and how much of them is just personification of personal willings, wishes, ideas, ambitions You can of course be successful with these meditations after all how can you NOT be successful with something that is so positive and good ? but on the other hand how much of the essence of such creatures is the very essence of You? You as a person with certain problems and identity World is full of stories, individual essences of certain people, nations, creatures, energies and to great extent the history itself is also the history of all that how can You UNDERSTAND the huge MAGNITUDE of the past history of andean cultures lemurian culture...? as it was a history of individual people who weren'...
When I close my doors, and make darkness within, I'm not alone. My genius is within. And what need have I of light to see what I'm doing? Inside myself is a home where I live all alone and that's where I renew my springs that never dry up.

Object of possession

An object in possession seldom retains the charm that it had in desire and pursuit. Desire makes everything blossom; possession makes everything wither and fade. It's through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed. I shall be choose to create, carry and treasure possessions within me.


Good habits result from resisting temptation. I attempt to avoid temptation unless I can't resist it. And the best way to overcome desire is to satisfy it. Therefore, I have good habits and bad ones too!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha..........


Experience teaches only the teachable. Experience is a hard teacher because it offers the test first, invaluable lesson afterwards. I can't acquire experience by making experiments. I can't create experience. I must undergo it; make mistakes and successes. Only then, I can say I've lived through the horror. I take the next thing that co...mes. I do the thing I think I can't do.

Your inner wisdom

The place inside you which is sacred and pure and is your very essence always has many answers for you. It gives you answers by scents, peaceful breathing, stillness in time,tranquility you can reach for very easily, silence. But you won't hear those answers as they are very often far away from your talkative, gossiping mind willing to have perfect solutions for all the things you want to be perfect and convincing. Everything is already perfect with space that everything already contains. Reach for it.


If you cannot be happy and content being single, you will also not be happy and content being in any relationship. Looking more deeply, everyone of us is single and in relationship at different times of each day. So learn to be happy and content in all situations...

the subtle difference

There is a subtle difference between how You feel saying: "I practice or live certain way because I disagree with the way I am now and my life" or "because it's good for me" and the great inner feeling you get when you do something making a real change, living up to the vibration of energy you cannot put into a nutshell, the energy that says only "Yes!" and the only action it does is: Grow!!!

Exploring the Culture of Technology — Post Something | Motherboard

Exploring the Culture of Technology — Post Something | Motherboard
3 ways you can pass this road: You can listen to the report, You can observe or the one which is a gem: You can experience

Ayurvedic cleansing

What is cleansing how to cleanse why cleanse AYURVEDA AND CLEANSING Nourishment for the body, mind and soul. The practices and principles of Ayurveda are rapidly merging into the present day fabric of the holistic health community. This is largely due to the rising popularity of yoga, Ayurveda’s appealing universal principles, and the sharing of information by leading ayurvedic authorities such as Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr.David Frawley, Dr. Vasant Ladd, Nimai Nitai Das and others. Still, many have an unclear understanding of what Ayurveda is. Nor are they aware of the emphasis ayurveda gives concerning the importance of seasonal cleansing for the body, mind and soul, especially in the spring and early summer. WHAT IS CLEANSING: Cleansing is an opportunity to relieve the burden imposed on the body and mind due to externally and internally derived toxins. It is remarkable how positively the body responds when we give it a chance. By making simple dietary and lifestyle changes, reducing stre...

More meditation

Experiential spirituality may be very different from what you're used to, and that's fine. The main difference is most religions are about what you do (orthopraxic) or what you believe (orthodoxic). We're about what we've experienced. Both external and internal. Internal experience can be a difficult concept to understand. While most religions include the concept of prayer, few focus on deliberately creating spiritual experiences. Since we do focus on creating such experiences, here are some beginners exercises that may help: Section 1: Basic Meditation Passive meditation is what most people think of when they use the word. Popular culture is filled with images of people retreating into mountains and sitting cross-legged for hours on end. While that is a valid method, neither a change in location nor hours in an uncomfortable position are required. Rather, it's as easy as resting. But it's resting with a purpose. If you do fall asleep, that only means that at th...

Simple Cleansing Meditation

Make sure that you have a comfortable chair where you can sit with your feet firmly flat on the ground. Loosen any tight clothing and rest your hands in your lap. Relax and breathe deeply and rhythmically. In. Out. Each time you breathe in, envision yourself inhaling the color blue. Blue is the color of elemental water. It will help cleanse out whatever 'gunk' there is. Continue to breathe in the blue color until it surrounds you, as if you are surrounded in a great luminous blue egg. See some of the blue color collect in a pool at your feet, like sparkling water. You have total control of this water - it will do whatever you bid it to do. Bid it to swirl deosil (clockwise) around your feet about 7 times and then tell it to stop. It should stop quickly. Bid the water to begin swirling in a widdershins (counterclockwise) direction. This time, instead of stopping the motion, let the momentum take the water higher and higher through the core of your being. There is an inexhaustabl...
Happiness is not positivity. Happiness is equilibrium.

Spiritual protection

Spiritual Protection is something that everyone should know how to do, regardless of our religious beliefs (or lack of). It encompasses far more than just ghosts & spirits too. Negativity in any form can be damaging to the human energy field (aura). Fear, anger, depression, negative people/places, arguments and more actually create negative energy that can cling to you or build up in your home and cause problems over time. Spiritual cleansings are very important, for yourself and your home. I recommend they be done at least every few months, more if you find yourself feeling stressed or fatigued. White Light Protection One of the most important aspects of spiritual protection is "white light" protection. It's very simple to do, and maybe you've even read about it or done it without knowing it. It's very effective at removing and preventing negative energy from harming you. To do this, just visualize an egg-shaped sphere of brilliant white light completely surr...

Creating Spiritual Perimeter

Operating In your own and private energy field is the most essential issue that is basic for any other connected with spiritual practice like meditation or healing or whatever it may be according to your own area of choice. There are plenty ways to protect yourself in a spiritual way or sense but what is the most important is that you need to work your own pattern for that. Protecting yourself is but a part of a greater whole – in this case creating the perimeter around You and laying the barriers to any unwanted or disturbing energies that could be involved in the meditation process you are taking part in. The first and the very important fact is that you have to put the action of creating the perimeter into stages. 1) Start the process before you even start meditating. While meditating you stay open and if not well protected you may be endangered by the energies which are not supportive. Working with energy needs some good foundations and you need to set the base. 2) Open yourself to...