more notes on inner asylum

As You have probably already read there are some general precautions connected with meditation.
Before I will follow on to the meditation I prepared for you I should start with something very important which is spiritual protection point and creating your inner refuge which is the most important thing when it comes to the beginner’s and advanced yogi practice.
Starting from this point even before ( mind you!) start the proper practice is a precaution which is a safety that you need and I mean it in a deep spiritual sense. We are on our own in most of the time – with our thoughts, with our hearts, and by any means you shouldn’t be disturbed by any conflicting, negative or simply not “Yours” energies, entities etc.
Creating Your inner asylum:
1. Give Yourself some time to prepare the please where you want to start Your meditation. Make it as comfy as possible, try to disconnect from anything or anybody that can stop you doing that. Make it double sure You are on it. Sit or lie down and relax.
2. Start breathing in a relaxed way, don’t push yourself too hard, make it quite deep and slow, not to overdo it. You can count the inhales and exhales, but this is not necessary. As you make the relaxed breathing please observe your body tensions slowly ease themselves off and reactions made steady and attentive. Follow on for at least 5-10 minutes.
3. Make the thoughts flow at ease, don’t attach yourself to it. Watch the energy flow and see the projections and pictures made by mind as temporary as possible, let them flow.
4. After 15-20 minutes try to make 10 very deep breaths. Imagine yourself inhaling the energy that empowers you and cleanses as you do it and exhale the negativities and any disturbing energies, thoughts and so on as you exhale. Try to push yourself a bit more putting loads of attention and self-awareness into breathing. Let the air fill your lungs and the whole body – all the living cells in your entity. After 10 inhales-exhales make yourself at ease and get back to relaxed breathing
5. Imagine yourself a place you will feel and regain each time as you need to bring back the picture of Your inner asylum. Make it as yours as it’s possible – it works only for You. It can be a cave or a room filled with anything that is both useful and precious for You, it can work as a storage for anything that you want to get back to in a proper time – make sure You fill it with Your own love for Yourself and anything that is valuable…
6. What is also very important is to remember all the scents, emotions, feelings connected with the state that you are in creating it, make notes ( it’s good to keep some small notebook at hand for that purpose) on it. As You will remember all those it will be easier for You to get back to the state that you were in when you would like to bring back the image of Your asylum later on before the meditation.
7. Hold on for some time in this state. As long as you need to – follow with the breathing.
8. Make a closure – store this picture and adjoining sensations in Your mind and memory. Make a strong wish: The picture I visualized will serve me as a real image of my true inner refuge/asylum which will keep me safe at any time I will need.


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