History, symbols, working with entities

I have noticed that there are many healers who started doing healing sessions connected with the creatures like unicorns, dolphins, angels (?) or like
what I feel about this is I know that he refers to the essence, to the very essence of these creatures
but on the other hand, what are these actually?
and how much of them is just
personification of personal willings, wishes, ideas, ambitions
You can of course be successful with
these meditations
after all how can you NOT be successful
with something
is so positive
and good
but on the other hand
how much of the essence of such creatures is the very essence of You?
You as a person with certain problems and identity
World is full of stories, individual essences of certain people, nations, creatures, energies and to great extent
the history itself
is also the history of all that
how can You UNDERSTAND the huge MAGNITUDE
of the past history of andean cultures
lemurian culture...?
as it was a history
of individual people
who weren't just PAWNS in a game
they were
great entities
and there were many of them
and there were different kinds of them
My answer is
my personal answer
is that
You can embrace it with your heart
with Your aura
with the meditation
but forget
to embrace it intellectually
as there will be always disputes
thoughts limiting the very truth about these times and people
which won't show any TRUTH, the actual truth
which is never there if You try to limit it with intelectual understanding
You can just explore the known facts
or the ones that You can discover yourself
and meditate on that
embrace it as a part of HUMAN truth
an overal truth which is personified
by such great being as You who can discover it
retell the story of the human spirit
and foremostly be happy with the message
be happy with the secret :-)


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