
Showing posts from April, 2011

Ku rozładowaniu wewnętrznego napięcia i odnalezieniu siebie

1.Wytwórz bazę dla pracy z podświadomością, którą za chwilkę przeprowadzisz. Jest to o tyle ważne, że powinnaś odciąć się od energii, które przeszkadzają Ci w skupieniu i odgradzają od innych, z którymi chcesz/musisz/powinnaś się skonfrontować podczas medytacji. Drugą ważną sprawą jest to, by tworząc tą bazę nie wchodzić jeszcze w stan pełnej medytacji, czasem jest wręcz wskazane by „na sucho”, bez wgryzania się w wątpliwości czy to zadziała czy nie, afirmować – „Odcinam się od przeszkadzających warunków zewnętrznych, tworzę własną nienaruszoną przestrzeń, która jest sceną tego z czym mogę pozytywnie się zmierzyć”. Możesz użyć wyobraźni i stworzyć obraz ( do którego możesz wracać) miejsca ( bardzo Twojego i prywatnego), które będzie Ci zawsze służyć, do którego zawsze możesz wracać w momentach niepokoju, które zawsze będzie sceną Twojej wewnętrznej pracy. Zaletą takiego miejsca jest to, ze możesz zawsze zinternalizować to co czujesz i nie pozwalasz energii przemian wewnętrznych roz...

Belief system and finding a solution

Finding a real solution to a problem, resources to cope with it is synchronised with the active ability of how to use them...there is no lack of resources and if this doesn't work maybe our mind just wanders around wallowing itself in the constant illusion of the dillema and distracting derivates of our belief system at the given time.

History, symbols, working with entities

I have noticed that there are many healers who started doing healing sessions connected with the creatures like unicorns, dolphins, angels (?) or like what I feel about this is I know that he refers to the essence, to the very essence of these creatures but on the other hand, what are these actually? and how much of them is just personification of personal willings, wishes, ideas, ambitions You can of course be successful with these meditations after all how can you NOT be successful with something that is so positive and good ? but on the other hand how much of the essence of such creatures is the very essence of You? You as a person with certain problems and identity World is full of stories, individual essences of certain people, nations, creatures, energies and to great extent the history itself is also the history of all that how can You UNDERSTAND the huge MAGNITUDE of the past history of andean cultures lemurian culture...? as it was a history of individual people who weren'...
When I close my doors, and make darkness within, I'm not alone. My genius is within. And what need have I of light to see what I'm doing? Inside myself is a home where I live all alone and that's where I renew my springs that never dry up.

Object of possession

An object in possession seldom retains the charm that it had in desire and pursuit. Desire makes everything blossom; possession makes everything wither and fade. It's through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed. I shall be choose to create, carry and treasure possessions within me.


Good habits result from resisting temptation. I attempt to avoid temptation unless I can't resist it. And the best way to overcome desire is to satisfy it. Therefore, I have good habits and bad ones too!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha..........


Experience teaches only the teachable. Experience is a hard teacher because it offers the test first, invaluable lesson afterwards. I can't acquire experience by making experiments. I can't create experience. I must undergo it; make mistakes and successes. Only then, I can say I've lived through the horror. I take the next thing that co...mes. I do the thing I think I can't do.

Your inner wisdom

The place inside you which is sacred and pure and is your very essence always has many answers for you. It gives you answers by scents, peaceful breathing, stillness in time,tranquility you can reach for very easily, silence. But you won't hear those answers as they are very often far away from your talkative, gossiping mind willing to have perfect solutions for all the things you want to be perfect and convincing. Everything is already perfect with space that everything already contains. Reach for it.