
Meditation of the heart

Meditation of the heart  1. Preparation through breath  Sit comfortably in the position in which you usually meditate. Relax your shoulders , try to relax your chest in an upright position. Start to breathe, not too deep or not too shallow, slowly and in your own rhythm. You can combine this with counting your breaths or just being aware of what's going on throughout the process.  Slowly breathing after the breath - exhaling and inhaling the air Your body gently relaxes and you gain confidence. By practicing this kind of breath, you know that you are able to control stress and anxiety when they appear through the power of breath.  Breathing slowly, you gain awareness of your own body, you feel more clearly which parts of the body are tense, where blockages appear, which means that your body can not connect to a steady rhythm with the breathing process.  Slowly in the process of developing conscious breathing now and whenever you do it - you will b...

Chakra meditation

Chakra meditation Prepare yourself by making the spiritual perimeter, a space that you are safe in, spiritually and technically ( it's obviously better to practice it every day in a quiet and peaceful environment) Make 5 shallow and 5 deep breathing - when you are feeling at ease and relaxed you can start. 1. chakra  1st breath - cleansing - release thoughts of purifying, detox and getting rid of things that block your development 2nd breath - energising - bring fire, primary energy - red in colour - to vitalise your 1st chakra 3rd breath - stabilising 2nd chakra 1st breath - cleansing - release thoughts of purifying, detox and getting rid of things that block your development 2nd breath - energising - bring sexual, energy of relationships - orange in colour - to vitalise your 2nd chakra 3rd breath - stabilising 3rd chakra 1st breath - cleansing - release thoughts of purifying, detox and getting rid of things that block your development 2nd brea...

Straing points

The technique I want to put forward to you can be used both in a more active way – a means towards more self-aware interactions with others or in a more “passive” way (not sure exactly it this term fits here as, although it may be lacking the interaction bit, it definitely helps you to either gain or re-gain some self-aware strength to help you coping with all sorts of situations). To make it fully working way of dealing with straining, challenging occurrences I thought I would put it into a few phases that will help you in a cognitive, energetical and mental/emotional way to deal with what comes along. 1.        Preparation which you may later use to guide you through situations that you KNOW that possibly might be too challenging or uneasy a)        Sit in a quiet space. Try to breath slowly and not to deeply. If it helps – try to count your breath – every 5 and then again. b)       Speak ...

grounding yourself

Before you meditate, or do other spiritual work such as energy healings, divination or magick, you should prepare and protect yourself. You do this by grounding yourself, centering your energies, and shielding yourself from unwanted influences. Centering: Centering is simply returning all of your scattered energies to home base. Usually throughout the day, you have little energy tendrils out doing things while you are attending to business. Perhaps you are writing a report, but one 'eye' is on the clock, because you have a meeting coming up, and a fragment of your attention is thinking about your children, since one was sniffling this morning, and you also have a fraction of your mind drafting a letter of resignation you know you'll never send. To center yourself, call in all your scattered bits of attention and focus, and bring them into your body's space. You are mentally compacting yourself around your mental or 'spiritual center of gravity...


"Sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care, the death of each day's life, sore labor's bath, balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, chief nourisher in life's feast. " William

Abraham Maslow's Characteristics of Self-Actualizing People

Abraham Maslow's Characteristics of Self-Actualizing People -> Keen sense of reality - aware of real situations - objective judgement, rather than subjective -> See problems in terms of challenges & situations requiring solutions, rather than see problems as personal complaints or excuses -> Need for privacy & comfortable being alone -> Reliant on own experiences & judgement - independent - not r eliant on culture & environment to form opinions & views -> Not susceptible to social pressures - non-conformist -> Democratic, fair & non-discriminating - embracing & enjoying all cultures, races & individual styles -> Socially compassionate - possessing humanity -> Accepting others as they are & not trying to change people -> Comfortable with oneself - despite any unconventional tendencies -> A few close intimate friends rather than many superficial relationships -> Sense of humour directed at oneself or...

Emotional guidance scale
