Meditation of the heart

Meditation of the heart

 1. Preparation through breath 

Sit comfortably in the position in which you usually meditate. Relax your shoulders , try to relax your chest in an upright position. Start to breathe, not too deep or not too shallow, slowly and in your own rhythm. You can combine this with counting your breaths or just being aware of what's going on throughout the process. 

Slowly breathing after the breath - exhaling and inhaling the air Your body gently relaxes and you gain confidence. By practicing this kind of breath, you know that you are able to control stress and anxiety when they appear through the power of breath. 

Breathing slowly, you gain awareness of your own body, you feel more clearly which parts of the body are tense, where blockages appear, which means that your body can not connect to a steady rhythm with the breathing process. 

Slowly in the process of developing conscious breathing now and whenever you do it - you will be able to master the tension and get the ability to work with yourself through your breath. Be patient.

 2. Entering meditation 

Meditation is a tool.

 It can help not only to control anxiety, stress and other burdens but it can also draw your whole being and body towards developing healthy habits, mental hygiene and healing routine in situations when it is difficult to find a solution. 

Surrender to this process through your own conscious choices. 

The bigger and the smaller ones. Those that seem impossible to you at this stage of your life can be solved through the process of understanding and dealing with what is easier. 

And this can happen thanks to a positive attitude to what is happening, whatever it may be. 

And we can start with our attitude, how emotionally we react to what is happening in life.

 Breathe ... 

Follow ... 

Do not judge .... 

Deep down your breath

 Inhale Exhale

 Inhale Exhale 

 3. Driving towards the heart 

Your heart is a pure place in which feelings, emotions, desires, dreams live, but also intentions.

 Breathing regularly, imagine how this region of the body and your being relaxes. 

Relax and in your own rhythm you will feel that what is given to you in your life is a kind of blessing. 

Each situation is an opportunity to understand ourselves and experience where our desires come from and what are fulfilling in us. 

The type of these desires is the door to understand where we feel incomplete, hurt or hurt. 

Listen to yourself. It is not difficult when we are calm Breathe calmly and steadily. 

Thoughts in a state when we are closer to each other meditating, they direct our attention to let us notice what we can do for ourselves.

 The longer and more carefully you are in a conscious state of meditation, the easier it is to open up to what you are missing what your heart wants. 

The heart is the house that you build yourself. Build them through peaceful introspection. 

Do not judge yourself too hastily. What seems right to you at a given moment is often too quick to assess what is bothering you, what hurts you. Give yourself time to understand yourself and feel what you want to embrace your mind deeper. 

You need time and awareness for it. This can not be achieved immediately, and certainly not through too much stress. 

By working through breath and meditation, you will achieve it by another way. Heart is the home of your dreams. 

Protect them from the anxieties and stress of everyday life. To achieve peace is the first step towards making your dreams come true step by step, small leaps of mindfulness.

 Breathe calmly Imagine a heart as a place where a person who deserves the greatest love lives - You alone. 

This is the place where there is always understanding, the Palace in which you are the ruler. 

This is the place where you are best understood. Nobody judges you here. Nobody hurts. 

There is time for everything. Everything happens naturally and without unnecessary pressure of emotions and stress. 

 4. Staying in the energy of the heart 

Breathing in your own rhythm, let yourself experience what is most important to you. Self-love is the best policy for health, peace and achieving what you want, what you need and what you want. 

You are closer to each other each time you lead yourself consciously towards an effortless solution, to what is true to yourself / yourself.

 Believe it. 

It is always given to you when you consciously approach the center of peace and love - your heart. 

 5. Complete the meditation 

We slowly finish our meditation, breathing still consciously.

 Your heart and its needs are now more felt than before. This process will be done thanks to you - conscious breathing and a conscious cleansing process, understanding who you are and what you desire has already begun. 

Give yourself as much time as you need. 

Everything else will come slowly 

Thank you


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