A small exercise on accepting that You Deserve Your Good.

We all deserve everything we want.We just have to accept and believe that we deserve everything in life.
Many of us constantly punish ourselves by saying "I don't deserve" or "I am unworthy."But the reality is opposite of what you believe.In this case,using affirmations is very helpful.
1.Look in the mirror and say,"I deserve to have everything that I want/desire in my life,and I accept it now.I am worthy of everything in this Universe."Say it 2 or 3 times.
2.How do you feel?Always pay attention to your feelings,to what is going on in your body.Does it feel true,or do you still feel unworthy?
3.If you have any negative feelings in your body,then go back to affirming "I release the pattern in my consciousness that is creating resistance to my good.""I deserve everything that I want in my life."
4.Repeat this until you get the acceptance feelings,even if you have to do it several days in a row.


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