Muscles are stretched in the gym, but they are actually built while one sleeps. Growth and learning usually happens when one isn't looking, and least expects it.
Showing posts from July, 2010
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The more we run away from challenges, the more they bully and torment us. The more we run towards and look forward to challenges, the more they put on a sheepish grin and melt away. When life piles up the challenges thick and high, the real adventures say, "Is that all? Bring it on. We can take much more!" They slice through all obstacles like a hot knife through butter. When we welcome all of life, then all is well.
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Any relationship is like a photo album of hundreds, maybe thousands of snapshots in our memory. Some are sad, some are glad, some make us mad. Irrespective of how any relationship is currently going or how it ended, it's up to us to choose which snapshot we choose to put on the cover of that album. Why not choose one which represents the brightest, happiest and most fulfilling times, instead of dark or gloomy ones?
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The way to deal with pain is to decide it is quite yummy and then stay with it, stay with it, and enter it deeply. Then it is suddenly transformed into something very deep and flowing. The sharp glaciers melt into curling rivers. The ability to play with and master our perceptions is the real gift of human birth.
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Thoughts are like raindrops continuously falling on the windscreen. Awareness is the wiper which repeatedly sweeps them clean. And wisdom is the headlight. The slower the wiper and dimmer the headlight, the more distorted and dangerous our journey through life becomes. The faster the wiper and brighter the headlight, the drive is clear and safe throughout.
to be a Yogi
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People believe it takes years of training to empty the mind of thoughts. That's not true. We can do so now: For the next 30 secs notice whatever thoughts are flowing without trying to steer or control them. Now gently ask yourself this question, "What will the next thought be?" Wait for the answer with complete attentiveness. The mind is instantly emptied of everything. Practice again if not clear the first time.
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When we touch a burning hot vessel, even just a little bit, we instantly pull our hands back. It hurts! We can come out of anger when we have enough awareness to realize how each and every thought of anger hurts us. Until this awareness grows and settles within us, all other remedies remain superficial.
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People express and receive love through five distinct love languages. Words of affirmation; Quality time; Acts of service; Gifts; & Physical touch. Many relationship issues arise because we assume the other person's love language is the same as our own. So we feel we are being very loving, yet the other person feels un...loved. Understand your own and your partner's love language today.
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People love you when you say and do things which match their expectations. They are disappointed when you say and do things which don't match their expectations. It's their story, their dream, their projection. You can choose to learn from these experiences. But don't take it personally. ...For these things have nothing to do with you.
Exercise on loving Thyself
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The main issue to work on is LOVING THE SELF.This is the "magic wand" that dissolves problems.LOVING YOURSELF MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD. 1.Look into the mirror and say,"I love and approve of myself exactly as I am." 2.Say over and over to yourself,"I APPROVE OF MYSELF." this atleast 300 or 4oo times each. 4.Let "I approve of myself" become a walking mantra,something you just say over and over to yourself,almost non-stop.Saying "I approve of myself" is a guaranteed way to bring up everything buried in your consciousness that is in opposition. 5.When negative thoughts come up,gently say to these negative thoughts,"I let you go.I approve of myself." Thoughts are only words strung together.They have NO MEANING WHATSOEVER.Only we give meaning to them. 6.Say to yourself,"I choose to think thoughts that nourish and support me." Part of self-acceptance is releasing other people's opinions.Often what we think of as the thi...
I believe
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I believe in focusing on people's finest features. I believe in the highest quality perceptions. I believe in authentic speech and deep listening. I believe in giving others the benefit of the doubt. I believe in living the behaviors I expect from others. I believe it's wonderful even when my expectations are not met. I believe in wise, healthy, happy relationships.
something to do
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Everyday is bursting with opportunities to serve, to give, to encourage, to appreciate, to explore, to grow, to be creative, to do something better, to do something different, to follow your heart, to dream, to live your dreams, to be content, to know peace, to love, to learn, to laugh, and to let go. Yes!
A small exercise on accepting that You Deserve Your Good.
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We all deserve everything we want.We just have to accept and believe that we deserve everything in life. Many of us constantly punish ourselves by saying "I don't deserve" or "I am unworthy."But the reality is opposite of what you believe.In this case,using affirmations is very helpful. 1.Look in the mirror and say,"I deserve to have everything that I want/desire in my life,and I accept it now.I am worthy of everything in this Universe."Say it 2 or 3 times. 2.How do you feel?Always pay attention to your feelings,to what is going on in your body.Does it feel true,or do you still feel unworthy? 3.If you have any negative feelings in your body,then go back to affirming "I release the pattern in my consciousness that is creating resistance to my good.""I deserve everything that I want in my life." 4.Repeat this until you get the acceptance feelings,even if you have to do it several days in a row.
A small exercise on change.
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If you want to change something about yourself,then :- 1."I am willing to change."Repeat this often.You can touch your throat as you say this.The throat is the energy center in the body where change takes place.By touching your throat,you are acknowledging that you are in the process of changing.Be willing to allow the changes to happen when they come up inyour life. 2.Be aware that where you DO NOT WANT TO CHANGE is exactly the area where you need to change the most.The Universal Intelligence is always responding to your thoughts and words.Things will definitely begin to change as you make these statements. 3.Go look into a mirror and say to yourself,"I am willing to change."Notice how you feel.If you are hesitant or resistant or just don't want to change,ask yourself why.What old belief are you holding on to?Please don't scold yourself.Just notice what it is.Where did the belief come from?Do you know? 4.Again,go to the mirror,and look deep into your own ey...
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What seems like the path of least resistance to the ego, often ends up being the path of most resistance for the inner being. The path of least resistance for the inner being is often resisted and resented by the ego. The way out of this dichotomy is by being very present to how each decision feels within you, and steadily choosing the path of longlasting benefit over immediate comfort or ease
Exercise on Loving Yourself.
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The main issue to work on is LOVING THE SELF.This is the "magic wand" that dissolves problems.LOVING YOURSELF MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD. 1.Look into the mirror and say,"I love and approve of myself exactly as I am." 2.Say over and over to yourself,"I APPROVE OF MYSELF." this atleast 300 or 4oo times each. 4.Let "I approve of myself" become a walking mantra,something you just say over and over to yourself,almost non-stop.Saying "I approve of myself" is a guaranteed way to bring up everything buried in your consciousness that is in opposition. 5.When negative thoughts come up,gently say to these negative thoughts,"I let you go.I approve of myself." Thoughts are only words strung together.They have NO MEANING WHATSOEVER.Only we give meaning to them. 6.Say to yourself,"I choose to think thoughts that nourish and support me." Part of self-acceptance is releasing other people's opinions.Often what we think of as the thi...
an ideal YOU
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Human mind is an extraoridinary spectrum - it works with transposing its own patterns onto the perceived picture of other individuals. Once you step onto the Path why not make something reverse fr the starters. Use your own projections as a model - strive to make it happen, then after a time you won't have any claims, ...criticism - you will have what you wish in others - an ideal YOU...
Medytacja dla kobiet na pobudzenie miłości własnej, miłości bliskiej istoty i określenia energii miłości i związków w programie życiowym
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usiądź wygodnie albo połóż się zajmij taką pozycję ciała, żeby nic Ci nie przeszkadzało wyłącz się tak, żeby nic zewnętrznego Cię nie rozpraszało Zacznij oddychać swobodnie skup się na oddechu Na początku nie oddychaj zbyt głęboko, zamiast tego staraj sie wydłużać wdech i wydech oddychaj w ten sposób 10-15 mint zamknij oczy postaraj się zwizualizować siebie siedzącą czy znajdującą się w swoim duchowym azylu może to być miejsce gdzie czujesz się bezpiecznie, gdzie nic Cię nie rozprasza ciepłe przyjemne przytulne dające Ci wytchnienie i odpoczynek ważne jest, żebyś je dobrze umiała wizualizować, bo do tego ćwiczenia będziesz wracała a poza tym umieszczanie siebie w swoim duchowym azylu przed zaśnięciem spowoduje, ze będziesz lepiej spała i poranek tez będzie lepszy jesli już umieściłaś siebie w swoim duchowym azylu postaraj się poczuć go skup się na wrażeniach, informacjach jakie do Ciebie przychodzą nie musisz ich zapamiętać, pozwól im przechodzić przez Ciebie przejawiać się i wracać do...
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What we keep thinking and saying, we keep energizing. What we keep energizing, we keep manifesting. What we keep manifesting reinforces the old patterns of thought and speech. So break the pattern by noticing and saying new and improved things about yourself and others. It's actually fun once you start!