
Showing posts from February, 2011

the subtle difference

There is a subtle difference between how You feel saying: "I practice or live certain way because I disagree with the way I am now and my life" or "because it's good for me" and the great inner feeling you get when you do something making a real change, living up to the vibration of energy you cannot put into a nutshell, the energy that says only "Yes!" and the only action it does is: Grow!!!

Exploring the Culture of Technology — Post Something | Motherboard

Exploring the Culture of Technology — Post Something | Motherboard
3 ways you can pass this road: You can listen to the report, You can observe or the one which is a gem: You can experience

Ayurvedic cleansing

What is cleansing how to cleanse why cleanse AYURVEDA AND CLEANSING Nourishment for the body, mind and soul. The practices and principles of Ayurveda are rapidly merging into the present day fabric of the holistic health community. This is largely due to the rising popularity of yoga, Ayurveda’s appealing universal principles, and the sharing of information by leading ayurvedic authorities such as Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr.David Frawley, Dr. Vasant Ladd, Nimai Nitai Das and others. Still, many have an unclear understanding of what Ayurveda is. Nor are they aware of the emphasis ayurveda gives concerning the importance of seasonal cleansing for the body, mind and soul, especially in the spring and early summer. WHAT IS CLEANSING: Cleansing is an opportunity to relieve the burden imposed on the body and mind due to externally and internally derived toxins. It is remarkable how positively the body responds when we give it a chance. By making simple dietary and lifestyle changes, reducing stre...

More meditation

Experiential spirituality may be very different from what you're used to, and that's fine. The main difference is most religions are about what you do (orthopraxic) or what you believe (orthodoxic). We're about what we've experienced. Both external and internal. Internal experience can be a difficult concept to understand. While most religions include the concept of prayer, few focus on deliberately creating spiritual experiences. Since we do focus on creating such experiences, here are some beginners exercises that may help: Section 1: Basic Meditation Passive meditation is what most people think of when they use the word. Popular culture is filled with images of people retreating into mountains and sitting cross-legged for hours on end. While that is a valid method, neither a change in location nor hours in an uncomfortable position are required. Rather, it's as easy as resting. But it's resting with a purpose. If you do fall asleep, that only means that at th...

Simple Cleansing Meditation

Make sure that you have a comfortable chair where you can sit with your feet firmly flat on the ground. Loosen any tight clothing and rest your hands in your lap. Relax and breathe deeply and rhythmically. In. Out. Each time you breathe in, envision yourself inhaling the color blue. Blue is the color of elemental water. It will help cleanse out whatever 'gunk' there is. Continue to breathe in the blue color until it surrounds you, as if you are surrounded in a great luminous blue egg. See some of the blue color collect in a pool at your feet, like sparkling water. You have total control of this water - it will do whatever you bid it to do. Bid it to swirl deosil (clockwise) around your feet about 7 times and then tell it to stop. It should stop quickly. Bid the water to begin swirling in a widdershins (counterclockwise) direction. This time, instead of stopping the motion, let the momentum take the water higher and higher through the core of your being. There is an inexhaustabl...